The Picture Window WDEF constructs windows based upon QuickDraw pictures, for full details see the stack "Picture Window WDEF".
WARNING: Do not run this program if your system does not have the BitMapToRegion trap, see the stack for further details.
This simple demonstration program displays all 16 possible variations provided by the WDEF and then allows you to drag and resize them. For window types Lassoed, Masked and Picture Masked the circular pictures on the right are used for the content and structure pictures. For the Picture Window variation the triangular pictures are used.
If a Picture Window variant is the front window then clicking in the content region will temporarily paint it gray. Clicking in the content region of a Picture Window which isn't frontmost will bring it to the front.
Clicking on a framed window will bring it to the front, or drag it if it was already there.
For all other variants, clicking in the window will drag it, command-clicking will drag without bringing to the front and option-clicking will resize it.
To terminate the program hit any key.
Use the Continue button to run the demonstration, Quit to terminate now.